Non-personal information is collected or derived by us in the course of operating the Town of Carleton Place municipal website. For example, our web servers may automatically collect non-personal information which is provided through your browser or stored on a cookie or through a web beacon when you choose to visit the Town of Carleton Place municipal website.

In addition to the Town of Carleton Place municipal website practices related to IP addresses, cookies or web beacons, non-personal information is used generally by the Town of Carleton Place municipal website to monitor and improve the operation of the the Town of Carleton Place municipal website, to perform statistical analyses of the collective characteristics and behaviour of our users, to measure user demographics and interests regarding specific services on the Town of Carleton Place municipal website, to describe our services to third parties such as prospective business partners and advertisers and to analyze how and where best to use our resources. No personal information will be disclosed during these activities.

The Town of Carleton Place municipal website may also use non-personal information to inform our sponsors and advertisers as to the performance of a particular sponsorship (such as a contest) or advertisement. In such case we may disclose to those third-party sponsors and advertisers the overall aggregate demographics available regarding, for example, who participated in a contest or who saw and clicked on an advertisement. No personal information will be disclosed to these sponsors and advertisers as part of this process; only information in an anonymous, aggregate form will be disclosed.


An IP address is the unique number which is assigned to every direct internet access point. Many IP addresses can generally be associated with certain internet service providers or large organizations. IP addresses do not contain any personal information. When you, through your browser, request a web page or similar internet information from another computer on the internet, your browser automatically provides that computer with an IP address to which it will send the requested information.

The Town of Carleton Place municipal website and IP addresses:

(a) whenever you request service from the Town of Carleton Place municipal website web page or certain other similar Town of Carleton Place municipal website content, your browser automatically provides our computers with your IP address, to which our computers will send the requested information. Each such request is logged by our computers with information including the IP address of the computer that requested the page and is stored by our computers as needed for the purposes described in this policy;

(b) The Town of Carleton Place municipal website may use your IP address to display more appropriate and relevant content and advertising, such as content and advertising based on your geographic area. Aggregate information derived from IP addresses may be reported by the Town of Carleton Place municipal website to its advertisers and partners. For example, the Town of Carleton Place municipal website may report to its advertisers the estimated total number of users accessing a particular Town of Carleton Place municipal website service from a specific province;

(c) The Town of Carleton Place municipal website may use your IP address to facilitate the diagnoses and remedy of a technical problem reported by you or our technical team.


A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred (through your browser) from a website to the hard drive of your computer. The cookie identifies your browser and will NOT let a website know any personal information about you, such as your name and address. Since cookies are only text files, they cannot run on your computer, search your computer for other information or transmit any information to anyone.

The Town of Carleton Place municipal website may use cookies to:

(a) monitor website usage and improve the operation and performance of the Town of Carleton Place municipal website and to make the Town of Carleton Place municipal website easier and more convenient to use. For example, cookies help us remember who you are through your browser settings so that we can offer and provide more personalized services (i.e., language preference). Cookies also allow us to save passwords and preferences for you so that you will not have to re-enter them the next time you visit the Town of Carleton Place municipal website;

(b) measure aggregate user traffic and demographic statistics related to the Town of Carleton Place municipal website and advertisements (i.e., number of users, average time spent, average age and similar statistics). This information helps us to better understand when to update, change or offer new services and provides us with details as to the performance of third-party advertisements and content. This information may be reported, in aggregate form only, to our current and prospective sponsors, advertisers and business partners. No personal information will be disclosed in such reports;

(c) display advertisements. The Town of Carleton Place municipal website and third-party advertising providers used by the Town of Carleton Place municipal website may use cookies when serving advertisements.

Cookies are used on many major websites. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can reset your browser either to notify you when you have received a cookie, or to refuse to accept cookies. You should understand that while the Town of Carleton Place municipal website does not require you to use cookies, certain services provided by the Town of Carleton Place municipal website will not function properly if you set your browser to not accept cookies.

Certain services provided by the Town of Carleton Place municipal website may contain electronic images known as web beacons ? sometimes called single-pixel GIFs ? that allow the Town of Carleton Place municipal website to count users who have visited those pages and to deliver co-branded services. Web beacons are not used to access your personal information; they are a technique used to compile aggregated statistics about the Town of Carleton Place municipal website usage. Web beacons collect only a limited set of information including a cookie number, time and date of a page view, and a description of the page on which the web beacon resides. Certain Town of Carleton Place municipal website web pages may also contain web beacons placed there by our advertising partners to help the Town of Carleton Place municipal website determine the effectiveness of our internet advertising campaigns.

Any questions regarding this privacy policy or the information contained herein should be directed towards .

(Last Updated on October 5, 2009)